Urethral discharge in men: norm and pathology

During the morning erection, a man may have mucous discharge from the urethra

Like women, representatives of the stronger sex may experience discharge from the genitals. They may indicate a disorder in the body or simply indicate the normal functioning of the urogenital system. Due to the relevance of this issue, we would like to discuss this topic in more detail in the article.

Physiological secretion

Such discharge from the urethra is not an indicator of poor health, but, on the contrary, indicates that all systems in the body are functioning properly. The following types of discharge in men are considered normal:

  • ejaculation- has a white color with a gray tint and a consistency similar to mucus;
  • I heard- appears as a result of the work of the preputial glands, it is white at first, but then it can turn yellow or green;
  • The secret of the prostate- has a white color, viscous consistency and appropriate smell;
  • urine- In a healthy person, it has a yellow tint and practically no smell.

When analyzing the discharge from the urethra, you should pay close attention to exactly what the urine looks like. If it has a strong smell, any impurities or flakes, then this indicates a disorder in the body. Some medications can affect its color and smell, but after stopping them, these indicators will normalize.

Physiology reasons

Mucous discharge may be seen with libidinous urethrhoea, but this is considered normal. As a rule, mucus appears in the morning when a man experiences sexual excitement. The amount of discharge directly depends on the quality of the erection.

Important!With libidinous urethrorrhea, the mucus contains sperm, so there is a chance of getting pregnant with unprotected sex.

A man should follow hygiene rules to get rid of white discharge (smegma).

If a man follows the rules of personal hygiene, the appearance of smegma will not cause discomfort. White discharge from the urethra is easily washed away with water, it is produced by the work of the glands located on the top of the penis. Smegma moisturizes the penis and allows the skin to glide without discomfort. If hygiene is neglected for a long time, white fluid will begin to accumulate under the skin. In such a situation, the protein part breaks down, due to this, the color of the mucus becomes green and a bright smell appears.

In the absence of regular sex, spontaneous ejaculation can occur. Most often, wet dreams occur in adolescents, but adult men can also experience them. It is not always possible to accurately determine the causes of discharge from the urethra in men. In some cases, patients have defecatory prostatorrhea. This happens during high intra-abdominal pressure, sexual neurasthenia or pelvic muscle weakness.

pathological changes

A man can guess himself that there are disorders in the body. To do this, you just need to observe exactly how the mucus of the genital organ has changed. The disorder may be caused by a tumor, inflammation, injury, STD, surgery, or medication.

Consider the distinctive signs that indicate the presence of pathology in the body:

  1. Volume.They can become very abundant or, on the contrary, almost stop appearing.
  2. impurity.In addition to mucus, there are often lumps, blood, pus or some kind of compaction.
  3. color.Significant cloudiness, as well as a change in color to yellow or green, will be an alarming symptom.
  4. the smellA healthy person experiences odorless discharge. Otherwise, there is a sour, fishy or rotten smell.
  5. Consistency.Mucus that is very sticky or thick requires a person to consult a doctor.

The characteristics of mucus or pus will depend on the provoking factor, immunity and the presence of other pathologies in the body.

Advice!If you notice any of the above changes, contact a specialist for help as soon as possible. Self-medication can cause serious complications.

In order to understand how important it is to consult a doctor in time, we will consider the possible reasons when pathological discharge from the urethra appears in men.

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Purulent, mucous or purulent-mucous discharge can be observed with STDs. In the first case, there will be a very persistent unpleasant smell, as well as a yellow or green tint. In addition, the patient may notice severe itching, pain and burning during urination. These symptoms indicate gonorrhea.

Mucous growths will have a clear color and a rather viscous consistency. The presence of mucus may indicate STDs such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, or ureaplasmic urethritis.

Important!The earlier these diseases are detected, the easier the treatment process will be.

Mucopurulent formations are white or transparent. They occur during an exacerbation of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis. If chlamydia is detected as a result of an STD test, the incubation period will be 3 weeks.

Very often, patients have several sexually transmitted diseases at the same time, so purulent discharge from the urethra can be combined with mucous membranes. In this regard, doctors do not rely only on symptoms and also take into account test results.

inflammatory processes

Inflammation in the body occurs due to human pathogenic microflora, which is activated by weak immunity. Some types of fungi, E. coli and staphylococci are always present on mucous membranes, but actively reproduce only during stress, prolonged use of antibiotics or hypothermia.

Let's consider the diseases that can develop against the background of these changes:

  1. candidiasis.If thrush begins to develop, a white discharge from the urethra will appear. In addition, the patient may experience pain in the groin area, involuntary ejaculation, burning and unpleasant odor.
  2. Balanoposthitis.With the development of this disease, inflammation of the atrium occurs, which provokes the appearance of pus. In addition, there is severe swelling and acute pain when touching the head of the penis.
  3. Non-gonorrheal urethritis.Mucus appears in the form of lumps and in large quantities. A man may also have itching and a constant urge to go to the toilet. If inflammation occurs in the bladder, you may notice bleeding.

other reasons

There are many cases when discharge from the urethra in men does not indicate venereal processes or inflammation. This includes spermatorrhoea, in which sperm in men come out when they leak. During this process, the patient does not experience the sensation of orgasm, and sperm can appear even outside of sexual intercourse.

In cases where the urethral valve is damaged, bleeding may occur. There will be very little blood, but there will be intense pain. These symptoms can be caused by high blood pressure, kidney stones, or high protein in the urine.

Brown discharge with a small amount of pus may appear during bowel movements.

Important!Such discharge indicates the presence of a malignant tumor located in the bladder, prostate or urethra.

Clear discharge from the urethra can be a symptom of prostatorrhea. They are formed due to the active work of the prostate gland. This type of discharge often indicates chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma or changes in the bladder.

Even if white discharge in men is not accompanied by itching, pain, swelling or other unpleasant symptoms, it is better to consult a specialist about it. A diagnostic examination will allow you to determine the cause of the changes and treat the pathology at an early stage.